Monday, November 23, 2009

Decision Made

Well it took me almost a year to decide to get sister locks. I did a lot of research last Christmas and met with a technician but still wasn't sure that they were right for me. At the time my hair was very long so cost was a big issue. I have been wearing braids for the last 16 years. I am not what I would a big "hair person". When I didn't wear braids, I wore a lot of hats! I didn't have much luck with relaxers as my hair would just break off, curls-I always felt like a soggy mess or weaves, UGH what a mess all that was. Then I found braids and was happy with them for a long time. Over the last 3 years i have been looking for a better hair do, or at least something different with more versatility. I'm tired of buying hair and having it put it in, taking it out, having it fall out etc, etc. But at the same time I want something that is not high maintenance. Enter Sisterlocks. After the research last Christmas (and a big 5 inch chop afterwords, as I was so frustrated with my hair in its natural state) I have decided that now is the time to start my journey.

I was referred to a natural hair salon that has a sisterlock technician. I called and setup an appointment and then met with her and liked her. She is not certified in SL's but has been doing natural hair for years. She has one other SL's client and from the photos I saw she did a very good job. So, I will be her second, client and hopefully help her get her certification. I went about 6 weeks ago for my test locks to be put in. She put in 10 all together. 5 in one section of hair and 5 in another section because my hair is so many different textures. I checked back with her 3 weeks later so that she could see what they were doing and she said they looked great. So the big day(s) is Dec 14th &15. I've very excited, scared and nervous all at the same time. I will post some pics before and after once its done.

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